Friday, April 16, 2010


That's the song from Fiddler, right?

Well I'm moving off the water fast, and did so miserably yesterday!  Even on here I didn't mention the small chocolate shake I got with the wrap and fries, so I'm coming clean now :)

But, to make up for all this, I went on a 5 mile bike ride after work, then bowled 4 games at night with some friends.  Before bowling I had one of those little V8 drinks, but other than that just water.

Seemed to pay off - I stayed at 257 today with the scale wanting to drop o 256, and I am really enjoying the increased activity.  Unfortunately the weather sucks right now, getting rain and have a cold front running through for the next week.

Today I plan to actually do some juicing, and head to the grocery store to get the rest of the goods for making  my veggie and white bean soup (that I really want to throw in a blender after and make a rich blended soup).  Next week I might braise some pork or beef and start making some bean dishes.  I need to find a cilantro plant at the farmer's market tomorrow...

Working today, some errands at lunch, then maybe gym after work.  I think I'm going to hit the hay early tonight b/c I was up until midnight last night!! Huge 360 for me going to bed early and getting up early, but I like it :)

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