Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Day (almost)...

Home and relaxing... Today was pretty good, I had a bit of energy and felt good all day long. Had the cravings mid-day and in the afternoon again. I think that I used food transitionally (eating at work meant the day was over half past), and I definitely used it when I was bored. These are strong signals to overcome, it almost feels like an addiction.

Onto the lemons - do NOT juice them with the peel on. Dear God was that bitter. I had to choke down the one serving and that's all I got to. I'm probably going to do more water than lemonade moving forward, I'm not sure there is much a benefit to it, though occasionally the lemonade with cayenne, and will probably be mixing in some herbal teas.

The gym was a little struggle this morning!!! I was SO weak. On the bench, I was having trouble getting past 3 reps on only 105lbs. Might be adjusting in addition to being out of practice. I also burned through some squats, which I haven't done in 2 years - that was great but I am QUITE sore right now. Overhead press was also a bit of a let down! I just need to get back into the groove, planning on deadlifts and inverted rows tomorrow, maybe some cardio after.

I read online today (in several places) that the first three days are the hardest, so I'm totally looking forward to Saturday morning :)

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