Sunday, November 18, 2007

Movin' Right Along...

Well, this was 'move' weekend and it went great! I'm all moved into my new apartment, and after entering my 'domestic activity' all-day workout on my traineo page, it appears I burned about 5,000 calories yesterday! I'm not taking that one to the bank, but at the very least I can say that moving is great exercise.

We started off at 9am at my storage area (where all my stuff was - long story), and we were an interesting group! I have been sick and am just getting better, my friend Erik was there who is just getting sick and was not a little hung-over, Kenn who is also getting sick showed up to help out, and Rick came by, who has an injury from this year's flag football season (sprained achilles + broken heel). So together we were about 2.5 healthy people :) The load went incredibly well and I showed off my new gym muscles by lifting my tv on my own without any trouble. The 32" tube TV has been the bane of my moving for several years now - I can't tell you how many times I've yelled "I think I'm going... I'm dropping it!! I dropped it, STOP!" We threw the bed at the back of it all and it was off to pick up a sectional couch I'd found on Craigslist. The couch was bigger than I remembered, so after much pushing/pulling/tugging/swearing, we crammed everything on the truck, and with Erik, Kenn, and myself holding it back while we shut the door, it was off to my new apartment...

The unload went incredibly well too, except for poor Erik who started pushing himself a bit too hard as his hangover subsided. Before I knew what was going on, he was 'christening' my kitchen sink and sitting on the tile floor for the next hour or so. I thought I broke him, but he seemed all right today so we're good! Wave 2 showed up, the parents and another friend, and we managed to get my whole kitchen unpacked and put away. I got to eat some pasta and meat balls my mom brought over (along w/ a whole chocolate cake, a cream pie, and brownies) - it was the first time in a month that I'd had pasta and it was delicious, but I don't think she understands my diet or my dedication to it. Most of this chocolate is going to have to get thrown away unfortunately.

Later I worked on starting the bedroom and moving things around, picking up some essentials, and finally broke a little after 9pm; it was a long day! Off to the bar to make up for that calorie deficit I created earlier :)

Now today I didn't get much done, but I have tomorrow off and I think I'll be all done before I go to bed.. I didn't make the gym today, but will for the next three days for my holiday eating prep!

Do it right or don't do it.

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